Sunday, September 29, 2019

Load development and first reloading 9mmP

I have started to reload for the 9mm, and with that more shooting is in the cards of course.

The last components and equipment arived.

Checking the loads before seating the bullet.

I double charged one cas to see what it looks like so I know what to look for when inspecting the loads.

A bunch loaded andthe rest  of the cases primed and ready.

My shooting range, only 2 plates at the moment, but I will expand it.

The front on at about 20m and the other ar 25m

Monday, September 09, 2019

Gama 4x4 dag fotos

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Gama 4x4 day

We held the first Gama 4x4 day on Klein Pella this past Saturday.

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

9mmP ammo test

I tested some potential carry ammo today.
First 5shots range ammo on a steel can.

15m , I am not proud of the group, they all went in.

I found only 2 exit holes. Lots of small bits rattling around inside.

Next the Winchedter ranger 115gr +P+

A mich better group. The recoil did not feel  much different to me.

4 exit holes, i think the one tht hit the welding seam didnt make it through.