Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Pointer version 1.4
No tripod used, the camera or binocular is at eye level.

I am still looking for a bigger "gradeboog for the elevation setting or I willprint and laminate one. The Azimuth "gradeboog here is made of paper, but I will make something more permanent.

This one is not as steady as the version 1.3 , so i will have to brace it in some way, but in the meantime I enjoy using it.

I still think mounting a rifle scope will make it the best tool for accurately spotting satelites, (except of coarse for the real pro equipment) but in the new PM there is an advert for a 20 - 50 x 50 compact scope wich I think is ideal for a lot of my hobbies and it has a mounting screw hole.

Please comment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool man! I did not know you had a blog too! This is great. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

I will keep an eye on yours.



2:58 PM  

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