Wednesday, October 17, 2007

RC Flying

I have taken up RC flying about a year ago , bought myself a Wing Dragon complete package as a trainer. There was one on sale for a good price , and I took it only to find out later that it was a more advanced model. I went on anyway and tried to fly it, here is an acount of the first 4 flights.

(it may well serve as a warning to others who want try going it on their own)First flightduration: 3 secondswhat happened: Stalled, crashed.damage: nonediagnoses: underestimated the speed necessaryfor takeoff and kept pulling back on the elevator. When the craft did take of, it stalled and crashed.Lesson: You need a large area, and give it time to pick up speed.Flight 2duration: 8 secondswhat happened: lifted of, ran out of space, turned around, cot confused, crasheddamage: wing moved backwards till prop caught it, but only small hole. undercarriage bent.diagnoses: Got confused when turned around. The real craft does not turn as smooth as the simulator.Lesson: go to bigger area so that you do not have to turn so quickly or tightly. throttle back when crash imminentFlight 3duration: about 45 secondswhat happened: wind a bit strong, but impatient, so I take of. Going into wind is slower, so easier to fly. Reach end of open field at good height and turn. Aircraft then rockets off with the wind and I turn it just in time over some trees. wild aerobatics in the turbulence above/behind the trees, but manage to get over them. Coming in to land a gust pushes plane back and nose into ground.damage: wing moves again and prop clip it on the other side. wing symmetrical again.diagnoses: nice to fly into strong wind, but when you have to turn around it gets uglylesson: Get even bigger field(bigger than rugby field), throttle back when crash imminent, wait for wind to die down.Flight 4duration: about 30 secondswhat happened: went to airfield, took of into slight but smooth wind. Nice climb, getting the controls right, turn around, when passing me , got confused again when wing dip to one side, make wrong adjustment and crash upside down into ground.damage: wing and rudder is write-off diagnoses: Was not flying high enough to correct mistake.Lesson: fly higher, get something even easier to fly.It is less expensive to learn this and more from someone else.


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