Thursday, October 18, 2007

Second attempt at RC flying

WOW ! found myself phoning everybody to tell them , even some wo don,t know that i am trying rc. I started out following the half throttle taxi plan , but it quickly seemed that there was enough lift and i experimented by puling back , and up she goes. Then the adrenalin kicked in , and it was all i could do to keep it in the air the first couple of seconds . After I got some altitude I started relaxing a bit , and it kept on flying without me making micro adjustment all the time. It was then I realized what the experts mean when they caution a beginner about "over control", the plane was flying almost by itself. i gues the sportster does not have all the dihedral (hope the spelling is ok) of the WD slowflyer , because I would have to level the wings out ocasionaly.ok , now I'm in the air and I have not realy prepared myself for it , I made a couple of circuits and tried lining it up with the runway . Much easier than FMS . Lined it up , a little skew , correcting , over correcting , correcting again , and then the model was on theground.Easy as that. ok , the landing was abit rough , but only the landig gear was bent a bit , bent it back again , line it up and take off again .start playing a bit , come in to land again. then i decided the battery must be almost spent , so taxi around to deplete it more , but on one taxi it was going so good i pulled back slightly and up i go again , this time i did not stay up so long because i suspected the battery was about done so lined up and had a very good landing . Now i put in my second battery with the idea to take it up and do some fine tuning on the trim of the plane , only to find that i have forgotten to charge it.I was almost glad , 3 succesful flights was enough for one day , almost a remaiden because my previous flights was about a year back.Looking back , the more I flew , the more the plane handled like the model in FMS . on my last landing it was coming down to quickly , i was gliding it in with no throttle , I simply pulled it up and it started flying again , jut like in FMS . once i realized this it was easy to land it like i would in FMS.The stall speed of the WD sportster is lower than i thought , now to charge my batteries and up again.Oh , yeah , the inner tube rubber bands work fine.


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