Thursday, October 18, 2007

First aerobatics

I went out in a steady breeze yesterday, determined not to wait for the weekend . The only trouble with the wind was that it was comming from about 10 o clock , this made for interesting take-offs . On the ground with the speed still low the wind pushed the upwind wing down , as the speed picked up and the wing started generating lift the wind wanted to pick that wing up, this meant aileron and rudder inputs which made my elevator control a bit shoddy , almost stalled the first 2 times. I flew around a bit , getting used to the wind wich is fine once you are up there , practiced landings , wich I ended up doing across the runway into the wind after the first one nearly ended in the only bush around. Then I went for altitude , wich didnt work as it was overcast and the light not good enough and I ended up deciding to do a loop . The loop is easy , just go full throttle , pick up speed and pull back . easy. Dit 3 more and decided that was enough. The loops were easy , so a roll would be ok i though. HELP! , once inverted it started to dive and I started doing everything wrong , I eneded up saving it about 2 meters from the ground. Won't try that again soon, i could see the wing bending under the strain , I though they were gonna break. So it was a good day all in all , the wind a bit bad but a lot of experience gained.


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