Monday, October 29, 2007

Did some dodgy flights with a cellphone straped to the WD , I struggled to get altitude with the extra 130g of cargo but performance increased slightly after I made a proper mount for the cell.
Apart from that I love the WD more eerytime i fly. i have moved from the airstrip to a smaller space around some buildings with some wind and it handled fine , next I flew in strong wind with the cell and that was fine , Then I tried flying in a very small space close to my house , the takeoff and landing was on a small straight section of dirtroad with trees a palm plantation on one side and rocky "koppies " on the other, and the eaasy handling of the WD made it possible for my to fly around and land without problem.
My house stands on a small koppie about 15 m above the fields below with the ground dropping away steeply almost right from the house. After some more airial videos this morning while packing up i accidentaly knocked the rudder agains the vehicle and broke it right at the control horn. I have been wanting to extend the rudder a bit so I decided to make a new one and make it about 30 longer , and change the botom angle a bit to allow more elevator travel, The result was so good that I emediately walked to my front lawn and hand launched my plane into the slight updraft coming up the slope. It flew just perfectly, I gained altidtude very fast by keeping in the lift zone and now my english fails me , i cannot describe that feeling , it was just perfect , I did not want to come down. Then i realized i haven't planned my landing yet , and with the wind comming up the slope i could not come in that way. The only space i had available was on one side of the house, with the telephone and powerlines at the aproach end. the powerlines was too high to dropin over them , so i had to come in from the side , making a sharp turn to line up with the small level patch of grass. I pulled it of , and emediately called the wife out to take a vid , and with not much power left over in the battery launched the WD again. Keeping it close for the vid i made a few turns and pulled it in for the landing. I have watched the vid about 20 times already.
here is a screenshot of the video.


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